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With Leather’s Watch This: Back-To-Back-To-Back Alley Oops? Only In Lob City


Golden State Warriors v Los Angeles Clippers

While the Los Angeles Lakers are withering away at 1-1 with Kobe Bryant’s return date still a question, the Los Angeles Clippers have stepped up to claim the throne in basketball’s biggest two-horse town, and claim it they have with a record of… oh, they’re 1-1, too. Well, two games is a small sample size in an NBA season, so let’s base this solely on highlights through the first two games.

None are greater than this video of Lob City star Chris Paul going for back-to-back-to-back alley oops with Blake Griffin. It’s certainly impressive, and I went to check if it had ever been done before, but then I decided to look for cat GIFs instead.


NBA: Pelicans at Magic – 7 PM ET on Orlando local access, probably

This is the game that I usually go to with high hopes, but with the Magic already 0-2 to start the season, I might just go ahead and order my custom Wiggins jersey tonight.

NBA: Heat at Nets – 8 PM ET on ESPN

Oh sure, put this stupid game on TV. Like anyone wants to watch these two teams play now or in six months in the Eastern Conference Finals.

NBA: Spurs at Lakers – 10:30 PM ET on ESPN

Okay, I was obviously kidding on that last one, but this game? Here’s a fun drinking game – take a shot every time they show Kobe Bryant reacting to a play instead of the actual play itself.

NCAA Football: USC at Oregon State – 9 PM ET on ESPN2

Does USC even deserve USC at this point? I’ve had to watch two UCF games online this season, and I’d say it’s about time that USC gets a little ESPN3 action.


NCAA Football: No. 7 Miami at No. 3 FSU – 8 PM ET on ABC

Living in Florida, I am more than used to dealing with “fans” of these two teams on a regular basis, and both sides are typically overconfident when it comes to this annual battle. This year, though, I’ve never seen Miami “fans” so quiet. Like, they’re still openly confident, but you can tell it’s more of a “The Chick-Fil-A Bowl isn’t so bad” optimism.

NCAA Football: No. 23 Michigan at No. 24 Michigan State – 3:30 PM ET on ABC

The losing team should have to make a nice dinner for the winning team. College football could use more friendly side bets like that.


Watch all of the NFL games like they’re the last ones that you’ll ever see.

(Banner via Getty)

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